The Routledge International Handbook of Dialectical Thinking (2024)
Veresov N.,
Veraksa N.,
(2024). Introducing cultural-historical genetic-analytical model for studying child’s play: the matryoshka principle – situations within situations covered by situations. Early Years, 1–13.
Gavrilova M.N.,
Veraksa N.,
(2024) Not EF skills but play with real toys prevents screen time tantrums in children. Front. Psychol. 15:1384424. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1384424
Veraksa N.,
Gavrilova M.N.,
Veraksa A., (2022). “Complete the Drawing!”: The Relationship between Imagination and Executive Functions in Children. Education Sciences,12(2), 103. DOI:10.3390/educsci12020103
Veraksa N.,
van Oers B., (2022). The polyphony of voices in cultural-historical approaches to play: special issue in honour of Elena Kravtsova and Elena Smirnova. International Journal of Early Years Education, 30:3, 500-510. DOI: 10.1080/09669760.2022.2106643
Veraksa N.,
Veresov N.,
Sukhikh V.L., (2022) The play matrix: a tool for assessing role-play in early childhood. International Journal of Early Years Education, 30 (3), 542-559. DOI:10.1080/09669760.2022.2025582
Veraksa N.,
Samuelsson I.P.,
Colliver Ye., (2022). Early child development in play and education: A cultural-historical paradigm. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:968473. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.968473
Veresov N.,
Veraksa N., (2022) Digital games and digital play in early childhood: a cultural-historical approach. Early Years, 1-15. DOI: 10.1080/09575146.2022.2056880
Veraksa N.,
Basseches M.,
Brandão A., Dialectical Thinking: A Proposed Foundation for a Post-modern Psychology. Frontiers in psychology, 13:710815. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.710815
Loizou E.,
Trawick-Smith J.,
Veraksa N.,
Veraksa A.,
Gavrilova M.N.,
Bukhalenkova D.A.,
Sukhikh V.L., (ed.) (2022). Teacher Education and Play Pedagogy: International Perspectives. Oxford: Routledge.
Veraksa N.,
Samuelsson I.P., (ed.) (2022) Piaget and Vygotsky in XXI century. Discourse in early childhood education.
Veraksa A.,
Veraksa N., (2022). Preschool Education and Child Development in Russia. In Veraksa Aleksander (Ed.) Child Development in Russia (pp. 1-16). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG.
Veraksa N.,
Sheridan S., (ed.) (2021) Las investigaciones actuales sobre las teorías de Vygotsky en Educación Infantil. Morata: Madrid.
Veraksa N.,
Veraksa A.,
Gavrilova M.N.,
Bukhalenkova D.A.,
Oshchepkova E.,
Chursina A., (2021). Short-and Long-Term Effects of Passive and Active Screen Time on Young Children’s Phonological Memory. In Frontiers in Education, 6,140. DOI:10.3389/feduc.2021.600687
Veraksa N.,
Veraksa A.,
Bukhalenkova D.A.,
Säljö R., (2021). Exploring the development of executive functions in children in a digital world. European Journal of Psychology of Education DOI:10.1007/s10212-021-00584-8
Veraksa N.,
Sheridan S.,
Colliver Ye., (2021). Balancing child-centred with teacher-directed approaches to early education: Incorporating young children’s perspectives. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1-18 DOI:10.1080/14681366.2021.1955736
Veraksa N.,
Airapetyan Z.,
Krasheninnikov-Khait E.,
Gavrilova M.N., (2021). Associations between emotional scaffolding, classroom quality and dialectical thinking support in kindergarten. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 16 (5), 2091-2099. DOI:10.18844/cjes.v16i5.6224
Veraksa A.,
Singh P.,
Gavrilova M.N.,
Jain N.,
Veraksa N., (2021) Russian and Indian Preschool Educators’ Beliefs about Distance Education for Preschoolers. Education Science, 11 (12), 814. DOI:10.3390/educsci11120814
Colliver Ye.,
Veraksa N., (2021) Vygotsky’s contributions to understandings of emotional development through early childhood play. Early Child Development and Care, 1-15 DOI:10.4324/9781003120216-5
Veraksa N. (2021). Dialectics of preschool education in the context of Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory. International research in early childhood education, 10(2), 30-42.
Veraksa A.,
Aslanova, M.S.,
Bukhalenkova D.A.,
Veraksa N.,
Liutsko, L., Assessing the Effectiveness of Differentiated Instructional Approaches for Teaching Math to Preschoolers with Different Levels of Executive Functions. Educ. Sci. 2020, 10, 181.2020
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Shiyan I.,
Shiyan O.,
Veraksa A.,
Veraksa N., (2019) Preschool teacher participation in Russia: Background, system and modern trends// Teachers' and Families' Perspectives in Early Childhood Education and Care: Early Childhood Education in the 21st Century Vol. II/ ed. Sivanes Phillipson, Susanne Garvis. Routledge.
Veraksa N.,
Shiyan O.,
Sviridova E., (2019) Designing a Scale to Assess Dialectical Thinking: Link to ECERS-R Items. Behav. Sci., 9(12), 157
Veraksa N.,
Gavrilova M.N.,
Bukhalenkova D.A.,
Veraksa A.,
Colliver Ye., Does Batman™ affect EF because he is benevolent or skilful? The effect of different pretend roles on pre-schoolers’ executive functions. Early Child Development and Care.
Colliver Ye.,
Veraksa N., (2019) The aim of the game: A pedagogical tool to support young children's learning through play Learning, Culture and Social Interaction. Volume 21, 296-310
Veraksa N. et al. (2011-2019). From Birth to School. Basic Educational Program for Preschool Establishments.Moscow.
Veraksa N.,
Veraksa A., (2018) Lev Vygotsky’s cultural-historical theory of development and the problem of mental tools. Papeles del Psicologo, Vol. 39(2), 150-154
Veraksa N.,
Sheridan S., (2018) Cultural-Historical Theory And Modern Educational Practice // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS Volume XLIII, 1-5.
Veraksa N.,
Sheridan S., (ed.) (2018) Vygotsky’s Theory in Early Childhood Education and Research: Russian and Western Values. London: Routledge.
Shiyan I.,
Shiyan O.,
Veraksa A.,
Veraksa N., (2018) Early childhood education and care in Russia: Different contexts of the cultural-historical theory/ International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Care Early Childhood Education in the 21st Century Vol I// Edited by Susanne Garvis, Sivanes Phillipson and Heidi Harju-Luukkainen. Routledge, pp.154-162.
Veraksa N.,
Dolya G., (2018) The Key to Learning Curriculum/ International Handbook of Early Childhood Education. Volume 2. – Springer, PP. 1059-1076
Veraksa N.,
Veraksa A., (2018) Developing the Ability of Children to Use and Construct Visual Models/ International Handbook of Early Childhood Education. Volume 2. – Springer, PP. 1421-1438
Kravtsova E.,
Veraksa N.,
Veresov N., (2018) Contemporary Research in Early Childhood: Roots and Perspectives/ International Handbook of Early Childhood Education. Volume 1. – Springer, PP. 429-448.
Veraksa N.
Veraksa A., (2016) Symbolic representation in early years learning: the acquisition of complex notions//European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 5, 668-683.
Veraksa N.
Veraksa A., (2014) The influence of Luria’s work on the use of visual modeling in preschool education // Psychology & Neuroscience, 4, 475-479
Veraksa N. (2014) Modern trends in early childhood education development in the natural vs cultural paradigm// European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 4, 1-5.
Veraksa N. (2014) Dialectic and Formal Structures in Cognition of Preschool Children// Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 146, Pages 118–123
Dolya G.,
Veraksa N., (2011) Key to Learning. A neo-vygotskian program for children aged 3-7. Revista de Psicologia y Educacion, 2.
Veraksa N.,
van Oers B., (2011) Early childhood education from a Russian perspective. International Journal of Early Years Education, 1, 5-18
Veraksa N. (2011) Development of cognitive capacities in preschool age. International Journal of Early Years Education, 1, 79-88.
Veraksa N. (2010). Structural approach to dialectic cognition. Psychology in Russia: State of Art. - Moscow: MSU, RPS. - PP.227-239.
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Diachenko O. Development of preschooler’s imagination. - М., Mozaika-Sintez, 2008. - 129 pages
Veraksa N.,
Veraksa A., History of child psychology.// Academy, Moscow, 2008.
Veraksa N. (2007) Pensamiento dialectico y creatividad. Eclecta. Revista de Psicologia General, Vol.5, .7-14.
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Veraksa N.,
Bulicheva A.I., (2003) Development of intellectual giftedness in child’s early years. Voprosi Psikhologii, 6
Veraksa N. (2003) Individual peculiarities of preschoolers’ cognitive development. / Under the editorship of Diachenko O.M. Per Se: Moscow.
Veraksa N. (2000) Introduction to “L.S. Vygotskiy. Selected psychological works”. Moscow.
Veraksa N. (1996) On methods of preschooler’s behavior regulation. Voprosi Psikhologii, 3
Veraksa N.,
Diachenko O., (1995) The Gifted Children: The Possibilities of the Development of Cognitive Abilities of 3-7-year-old Children. - South Bank University. London. Special Publication.
Diachenko O.,
Veraksa N., (1994) Can it be true? Znanie: Moscow.
Veraksa N.,
Diachenko O., (1994) Elements of “carnival culture” in preschoolers’ development. Voprosi Psikhologii, 2.
Veraksa N.,
Diachenko O., (1994) Methods of preschooler’s behavior regulation. Voprosi Psikhologii, 4.
Veraksa N. (1994) Model of student’s position education. Voprosi Psikhologii,3
Veraksa N.,
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Veraksa N. (1990) Dialectic cognition and creative work. Voprosi Psikhologii, 4
Veraksa N. (1987) Development of prerequisites for dialectic cognition. Voprosi Psikhologii, 4
Veraksa N. (1981) Preschoolers’ transformation of contradictory problem situations. Voprosi Psikhologii, 3
Veraksa N. (1976) Preschooler’s temporal and spatial notions. Voprosi Psikhologii, 2