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Poddjakov Nikolay Nikolaevich

Poddjakov Nikolay Nikolaevich

In his works, N.N. Poddjakov studied referential probe actions of preschoolers. Work in this direction brought him to creation of an original theory of child’s cognitive development.

N.N. Poddjakov viewed formation of child’s mentality as an interrelation of development and self-development processes. During the 70’s and the 80’s under the direction of N.N. Poddjakov researches were underway on children’s actions of experimenting - the major child activity, that to a great extent positively affects many other child’s activities (designing, drawing, play, labour) as well as child’s general mental development.

This activity is a base for formation of special “vague ideas” which, in their turn, are in fact a zone of proximal development of child’s scientific knowledge. In the 80’s under the supervision of N.N. Poddjakov a line of formation and development of preschoolers’ creativity was elaborated.

N.N. Poddjakov is a believer in children’s infinite abilities, and proves them to be true with his every research work.